Isnin, 7 September 2009

Cerita Pendek - Hidup Di Kampus

Mood pagi yang kureng siuman la. Ahakz! Aku bangon jek, aku teroz log in FB. As fast as I could, I then click on the bookmark application. First, FARMVILLE. Then, FISHWORLD. Lastly, BARN BUDDY. Aiyoh. Aku betol-betol addicted with those games! Matilah aku. Huhu. Esaimen yang berlambak neh tak nak pulak aku as-fast-as-I-could tuh. Hehe. Itulah routine aku daily. Memang tak sah if I do not log in my dearest FB. Gilak! How to decrease the excitement ek? I try~

Well, on the other hand, aku agak sedey, yet terkilan... Hmmm... Da lebey setengah bulan aku puase neh, tak sempat nak bersahor and buke puase with my family weh. Huhu. Rindu seyh. Kat Ayah, Ibu, Bob, Nana, Ika, Adik dan Una. So how? Nak balek, esaimen banyak cam syial... Nak balek, ade jek keje kene wat... Nak balek jek, komfem tetibe takley nak balek... Very the bz wokeyh. Even menteri pon tak bz macam aku. Hamek! Aku lagik bz daripade menteri! Huhu. Nak tak nak, terpakse la aku dok kat Tanjong Malim yang tercinte sangat-sangat neh. I have to. Weh, aku cintekan Tanjong Malim! Korang tak nampak ke betape aku cinte kat Tanjong Malim neh? Hamek ko! Korang jangan pulak tetibe percaye kat statement tuh... Aku sindir wokeyh. Huhu.

Anyway, Zam datang sini semalam. Datang kat kolej neh. Fuhhh... Aku dan Ijat yang ajak die datang ke sini neh. Die dok study kat UPM for only 1 semester jek. It is pertukaran pelajar la. So, saje jek ajak die berbuke puase same-same. Aku pon da lame x jumpe die. Lame. Yela, sebelom neh kan die roommate aku. Kawan aku la tuh. Huhu. Memang da lame tak sempat nak hang out together. Jadik, semalam sempat r buke puase same-same walaupon sederhane sangat. Well, it is life rite? All things come to an end. Die balek semule ke UPM hari neh...~

Back to my campus life, this 2pm aku ade meeting about assignment for Statistical Methods & Its Application course. Fuhhh... Matilah aku. We have to come out with one finale examination paper for this course! Konfiden jek wokeyh... Wish me luck~

p/s: I finally shorten my text... Or there's no story left to tell? Ahakz~

16 ulasan:

  1. hoho.. i'm a facebook addicted too.. hahaha.. aku main restaurant city hehehe..

  2. ichiban, same lak! haha. ye ek? bez ker game tuh? huhu. matila kalu aku addicted kt byk games... ahakz~

  3. so far restaurant city tu yg paling best la.. senang nak maintenance..hehehe kalau x buat pape pon still akan open facebook jugak.. its like a curse to me oredi.. hahaha..

  4. haha. dats true.
    can't live without fb.

  5. weh.pose xsmp sebulan lg..ko tulis da sebulan lebey..hehe..aku xmen tnm2 kt fb..aku men sorority life...level 70 da..ngeh3..btw..nice layout;)

  6. haha. ekin, silap weh. t aku bet0lkn. aku mksudkn lebey setgh buln. huhu~

  7. huh.. style baru nie blog zamie.. nt bad...

  8. cantek2la layout ko..ktne amek??nk jgk..share2la weh..

  9. ekin: weh, aku search kat g0ogle jek. huhu. juz type maybe 'blogger template designs' k. try la... =)

  10. hairan bin ajaib...
    nape ejay tak gemar langsung ngan FB eh?
    how to create the excitement eh?

  11. ejay: really?? hehe. i dunn0 la. at 1st, mmg x ske gler fb sbb x reti h0w it w0rks. then, few m0nths later, ter0z jd giler! huhu~ try la... =)

  12. saya juga sangat addicted dengan Fb..tapi x ske ah main game2 tuh...nyemak~

  13. s0rt 0f... but when many of my frenz play them t0o, dats y the excitement gr0ws insanely. fuhhh~

  14. hahaha... same la kite hizami... bangon pagi, ngan x mandi nyew, tros mamai on kompiter, n log in facebook... then tros klik kat farmville... siyes addicted giler... seb bek x forbidden... lau x, sure aku da dok dalam pusat serenti farmville skang... hahahahaha!!!!!

  15. arel: yup. bet0l sgt2... haha. cane ek? takpe2... kalu k0 mas0k situh, aku p0n akan mas0k gak. huhu~


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