Selasa, 2 Jun 2009

Balik Kampung Batu Pahat!


assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabaraktuh
yea... salam sejahtera
f0r th0se wh0 f0ll0w my bl0g
he3... w0rd f0r t0day is wtfig0tw
wah... d0 u n0e wat's wtfig0tw?

w = what
t = the
f = fuck
i = is
g = g0in
0 = 0n
t = this
w = w0rld

lets try t0 put them t0gether ye
what the fuck is g0in 0n this w0rld?
huaaa... y these w0rds?
0k... t0day i hav t0 visit kamp0ng
0f my m0m at Batu Pahat
but, i felt hard at 1st
its n0t dat i hate t0 be at kamp0ng
its all bc0z dat i'm sure [guaranteed by SIRIM]
dat i'll be fucking b0red there
n0thing t0 d0
n0thing t0 be

"d0nt make me cl0se
0ne m0re d0or
i d0nt wanna hurt anym0re
stay in my arms if u dare
0r must i imagine u there
d0nt walk away fr0m me
i have n0thing
if i d0nt hav u"

but then, i let it be
ik0t jua k
yeah... setibanye aku di perkarangan kamp0ng tseb0t,
bibit2 keb0sanan mula mencuit perasaan
wah! telebey sudeh~
thank G0d as i br0ught my lapt0p
i h0pe dis will help me thr0ugh the b0ring h0urs here
he3... i played lapt0p all da way~

damn... [in a silence]

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