Isnin, 29 Jun 2009

Kena Dengar Lagu The Saturdays & Elliott Yamin!

Aku nak men sukan beraneka jenis ne~

This entry is all about hot music that I've heard recently. I’m going to highlight about The Saturdays and Elliott Yamin. Both are well-talented and also, their music sounds cool and current. Totally! The Saturdays with the album ‘Chasing Lights’, which was released on 2008, has some great tracks that you must hear them for the first place. Meh aku senaraikan the songs listed on the album...

1) If This Is Love
2) Up
3) Keep Her
4) Issues
5) Lies
6) Work
7) Chasing Lights
8) Set Me Off
9) Fall
10) Vulnerable
11) Why Me Why Now
12) Up (Remix)

The music of this group is sounded like Girls Aloud. A lot! But, it is still great! My pick tracks would be ‘If This Is Love’, ‘Up’, ‘Issues’, ‘Lies’, ‘Work’ and ‘Fall’. You guys should check out these songs! Shake you bon-bon! Hehehe.

Next, it is Elliott Yamin. I love him. He has a remarkable voice! Since American Idol Season 5, which he ended up as 2nd runner-up, still, he is more successful than the winner itself, Taylor Hicks (the old-young man) and also Katharine McPhee. The album ‘Fight For Love’ was released somehow on 2009 (I don't know the exact date), still panaz lagi ni. So, better korang dengar this album. IMO, this album is better than his first one. It has a lot of great tracks! Almost! I truly mean that.

1) Let Love Be
2) Know Better
3) Fight For Love
4) You
5) Can’t Keep On Loving You (From A Distance)
6) Don’t Be Afraid
7) You Say
8) Apart From Me
9) Cold Heart
10) How Do I Know
11) This Step Alone
12) Someday

Aku suke giler kat lelagu ‘Fight For Love’, ‘Can’t Keep On Loving You (From A Distance)’, ‘Don’t Be Afraid’ and ‘Apart From Me’. By the way, the song ‘Don’t Be Afraid’ is my most favorite of the bunch. Lagu ni ade rentak ‘Spotlight’ by Jennifer Hudson and Elliott Yamin ni plak nyanyi sejibik :lenggang-lenggang kangkong, kangkong tepi telaga: sore David Archuleta! And maybe that is why I love this song. And, if you guys are sort of Archie's fans, you will love this guy too. They both are in the same league~

"I'll buy you nice things that I cannot pronounce"

12 ulasan:

  1. owh jus wanna let u know again yg lagu saturdays-up tuh i punya ringtone! hahaha

    gle suka!!

  2. wah! really?



  3. he..he..he..
    gua pon suke gak lagu saturdays- up

  4. yea aman.

    lagu tuh mmg da b0mb~

  5. aku sangat suka lagu fight for love. Hehe, romantik sangat. Hoho. Ni nak kena dengar ni the saturdays. ko kata best. Harus! Lalala

  6. epul,


    mmg lagu tuh bez.

    sesedap lagu I'll Wait For You kan???

  7. yg the saturdays tu diorang mcm nampak biasa2 je kan? hmm.. tp lagu besh2 plak.. yg 2 owang artis tu aku x brapa knal hehehe..

  8. hahaha.

    yep betol.

    lagu2 mmg sedap.

    x kenal Elliott Yamin ek?

    ala, try dgr!


  9. ye.

    jom men sesame?



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