Green tea is tea made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea originates from China and has become associated with many cultures in Asia from Japan to the Middle East. Recently, it has become more widespread in the West, where black tea is traditionally consumed. Many varieties of green tea have been created in countries where it is grown. These varieties can differ substantially due to variable growing conditions, processing and harvesting time.
Over the last few decades green tea has been subjected to many scientific and medical studies to determine the extent of its long-purported health benefits, with some evidence suggesting regular green tea drinkers may have lower chances of heart disease and developing certain types of cancer.Green tea has also been claimed as useful for "weight loss management" — a claim with no scientific support according to medical databases such as PubMed.
Oh. Aku copy bulat-bulat info ni daripada laman Wikipedia okay. Haha. Macam tak biasa lak kau copy bulat-bulat masa kau buat assignments. Kan kan kan? Just nak story sikit la. Aku suka minum teh hijau ni. Ya. One of my favourite drinks. Oh. Nescafe itu tetap di hati ni. Aku selalu minum teh hijau ni pada waktu agak malam sikit. Rasa cambest je. Oh. Aku suka minum macam tu. Usually, aku rendam uncang teh tu dalam air panas suam-suam kuku. Jangan kau rendam uncang teh tu dalam air panas yang sedang gila mendidih, yang ada buih-buih menggelegak macam tu. Dan siap ada asap kat tepi tu. Eh, macam kenal je babak tu. Oh. Bukan apa. Takut hilang nutrien dalam teh tu. Kalau kau buat macam tu jugak, baik kau minum air paip je. Senang cerita. Plus, tak perlu gula okay. Natural katanya. By the way, aku rasa macam kurus je bila minum air tu. Boleh? Haha. Konon je. Kenyataannya, sama je aku tengok. Mainan perasaan je tu. Okay. Tutu~
p/s: Nak off kejap. Ya. Kejap je. Haha. Ada mid-term test malam esok. 6th March 2010. Nak study kononnya ni.
zamie, btul ke minum green tea blh kurus??
BalasPadamoh tidak.
sy tipu je la.
mau kurus kene berenti makan nasik... konfirm drop!
BalasPadamgreen tea cuci ni cam berjaya kurangkan minyak char kuey teow hebat dalam badan ni.. ngehehe... ala2 detox la katakan.. hehe
bkn betul pun nak kurus.
gurau lol.
oh,aku suka green tea gak! esp bila study tgh2 mlm.
BalasPadamzamie, sampai ati nk tpu sy... ish2.. hehe...
BalasPadamingtkn btul blh kuruskn bdn..
kalo blh kuruskn bdn..
sy pun akan minum tiap2 ari nie..
BalasPadamtest mlm sabtu?
xpahamla.. haha
ape2pun, ALL D VERY BEST dude
jom minum sesame.
minum je la.
tak rugi apa2 pun.
nak buat mcm mana.
ikut je la.
best betul weekends aku.
ntah rugi ke x la..
BalasPadamjuz waste my time t0k nk sediaknnya...
minum air kosong lbh jimat masa...
(alasan org malas.. wahaha~~)
bukan green tea rasa pelik sikit ka?.. hmm, tak pasti sama ada penah rasa atau tak.. hahaha..
BalasPadamgood luck for your test!! (^^,)
teh ijau x sedap.. uhuhu..
BalasPadamtak lama kot nak siapkan teh tu.
kejap je.
rasa macam daun okay.
tp lama2 jd best lak.
benda2 sihat mcm ni mmg selalu x sedap.
kejap je??
tapi malas 2 sbb utama la.. ahah~~