TIRED. I am so tired. Today, Wednesday. Last Sunday, my grandma from Batu Pahat came to pay a visit my family here in Malacca. She stayed for three days. She is funny, talkative and out-going. When she opens her mouth, all there's left to do is smiling. Dia ada cerita. Banyak cerita. Cerita tentang kehidupan dia. Ya, mungkin tidak diketahui oleh semua orang. Kini, usianya sudah mencapai angka 71.
I was supposed to send my grandma to the village. In Batu Pahat. Dia kelihatan tidak sabar untuk memulakan perjalanan pulang. This was when the funny part started. Aku, Nana dan Kak Zura telah memutuskan bahawa kami akan bertolak seawal jam 10 pagi. Aku bersarapan pada jam 9.30 pagi. A cup of nescafe and a slice of bread. Fine. I took a look at the clock, 9.50 in the morning. Another 10 minutes. Guess what? My grandma was sitting at the backseat of the car, for the first place! And the engine was not starting yet! Wah, beliau amat teruja ye! Nak balik kampung. Eh, bukan... Nak balik rumah sendiri, kot?
I, as her grandchild, also, as a teenager (really?), I felt that she was bored here in my house. She got nothing to do. Aku tinggal di taman perumahan. Ruang yang sempit. Maka, dia tidak mempunyai apa-apa aktiviti untuk dilakukan di sini seperti berkebun, menyapu dan membakar sampah. Poor her.
I was driving to Batu Pahat. I was supposed to exit at Pagoh. But, I didn't saw the signboard. I kept driving until the next exit. Yong Peng. No wonder la I kinda felt weird or misplaced as I passed Pagoh.
"Eh, awat macam pelik je jalan ne?"
"Suda tukar ka?"
"Bia betoi?"
"Suda tukar ka?"
"Bia betoi?"
And there were no signboards along the highway after I passed Pagoh. Giler!
"Eh, jaoh da ne. Jangan-jangan kita da sampai kat Narathiwat la?"
"Ye ke? Ingatkan Singapura?
Bukan ke kite menuju ke selatan? Singapura la!"
"Ye ek? Ok. Ko dapat 10 markah!"
"Sudeh! Hentikan semua ini..."
[sambil teresak-esak?]
"Ye ke? Ingatkan Singapura?
Bukan ke kite menuju ke selatan? Singapura la!"
"Ye ek? Ok. Ko dapat 10 markah!"
"Sudeh! Hentikan semua ini..."
[sambil teresak-esak?]
Setelah melakonkan drama sebabak secara plural, kami beramai tiba-tiba bagaikan terpaku. Hal ini tiada kaitan sama sekali, diulangi, tiada kaitan sama sekali dengan mana-mana jenis paku yang ada di muka bumi ini, seperti paku tekan, paku pakis, pucuk paku, paku payung, ataupun intan payung? Tetapi, we were like mesmerized by the signboard there, after a long period. Yeah! The exit is near. I was excited. Ok. In a very short time then, we arrived to the exit of Yong Peng.

Underneath pokok kelapak, aku pon dok lepak...
A sweet and nice dish before I went home.
Ok. I went back to Malacca at almost 3 o'clock. A fast and furious journey. But, I do have such good times. Eventhough I'm dying spiritually.

*Nana - Adik perempuan aku.
*Kak Zura - Sepupu perempuan aku.
sedapnye kuih... ubi ea?
BalasPadamdelishes sangat... hiks
BalasPadamits a pleasure to have a big talk bout
our gramma ekceli..
since i am too close with my gramma..
she is totally diff..
they do understand us more..
do visit mine then..
eipul = ya. sedap doh! sebab owez mkn donat, so, dis tyme, mmg back to basic!
BalasPadamclockwork orange = dats rite. sometimes they understand us better. only dat we cant understand them.
i miss my late grandma eventough i was acting unpleasant to her n now i'm regreting on what i've done to her....
BalasPadamp/s utk zami: bile ko nak follow blog aku pulak??hahah..
BalasPadamthats the truth of live..
~note(s):come n visit my blog neway..
:really appreciate that..
:mana knal ajoy..?
BalasPadamwhich one huh?
x pasan.
thanks for follow my blog...
BalasPadamu r most welcome~