Another contest organized by Nuffnang. And it is called Nuffnang Premiere Screening of Rapunzel : A Tangled Tale. Lagi keluaran Walt Disney Pictures. Kalau bab bab kartun ni, Walt Disney Pictures tak pernah mengecewakan. And I can guarantee you guys that this is going to be another great and fun movie to watch. XD
If I had 70 feet of magical golden hair ...
What should I do then ? Hurm ... Most of you may suggest to use it as a weapon, to use it as an umbrella, to use it as a ladder or even to use it as a helicopter to fly. However, I was thinking to make some serious money from it ! As we live in a materialistic world ... >.<
If I had 70 feet of magical golden hair ...
I will cut my hair and I'm going to start a career as fashion designer. Since I have the magical hair, it will keep growing no matter how many times I cut it. Therefore, I can make a lot of clothes by using my very own hair. Interesting huh ? Hurm ... But how ? Hehe. Have you guys heard of fur clothing ? @.@
Fur clothing is clothing made entirely of, or partially of, the fur of animals. Instead of fur clothing, I'm going to start a line of HAIR CLOTHING. And I'll use my very own hair to make the clothing ! Wow ! Besides that, there will decrease the number of animals killed if I started this. Yay ! A big thank you to me ! =.=
For your information, I've already started sketching a few designs. Pretty fast huh ? Hehe. It is just in case if you don't see like what I see. And the great news is you are the first one to see my designs, right here and right now ! Are you ready ? Let's scroll down excitedly. Haha. *.*
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1st design is a scarf. |
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2nd design is a vest. |
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3rd design is a sweater. |
Teruja tak ? Erk. I know you guys dah lompat lompat katak when you saw my designs above. Sila mengaku. Sesungguhnya, honesty is the best policy. Haha. You know what, I believe in myself. And I believe that I'm going to be a top fashion designer with my very own 70 feet of magical golden hair ! Am I too excited ? Sorry. =.=
Eh. I want to share something with you guys, I want to share my eccentric hair ever ! So kewl ! Haha. Kau nak tiru gaya rambut macam ni ? Let me tell you how to do the hair just like me. The first step is kau kena cuci tangan kat sinki. Next, kau terus berlari ke suis yang berhampiran. Then, tanpa melengahkan masa lagi, tanpa sempat membiarkan tangan menjadi kering, silakan kau tekan suis laju laju. Mudah kan ? Selamat mencuba ! XD
wahhh !! saya pon nak rambut pnjang cm rapunzel tuh !! tp kalau pakai tudung,perghhhh. cmner laaa nak masukkn rambut tuh lam serkop. wakakaka xD jenuh nak sumbat !~ *ta dpt nk bygkan*
BalasPadamteringin jgk nk ade rmbut pnjg cam tau kan dpt jodoh ngn putera raja mcm rapunzel. hahaha ;D
BalasPadamWow!!! Baju dari hair??? Wow.. Geli badan.. Hik hik.. :p
BalasPadamKalau jari terkena rambut zami tu, sure luka kan.. Aiyak!!
hahaha.. high imagin n kreatif...
BalasPadambtw, gud luck n all the best.. :)
ish apekah! hizami tak handsome rambut camni !! haha xD
BalasPadamagaga..rmbut last mmg mcm..erkk baek nye bdk neh...
BalasPadam*daa jd pengomen tegar kt sini laa plak..*
BalasPadamkalau mcm nilah nuffnang memang tak teragak2 nak bagi ko hadiah tu bro
cayalah. sangat kagum
boleh bukak bisnes laaaa....
the last picture is the
BalasPadamer..most of the designer lembut kan? hihi awwww i like ur design.. :p
for me, y not u create penyapu gold gerak sendiri! then u become famous inventor ever patu share share eh profit? hahahhh
@ღ Sumomo-chan ღ
entah ah.
jap nak fikir.
@Puteri Iqa Izyan
BalasPadamsila sila.
BalasPadamyeah !
bukan setakat luka, boleh terpotong terus.
@ahmad jo
BalasPadamthanks a lot.
@ai na
BalasPadamdemi contest.
@Emilia Emira
mmg budak baik ah.
@En iLham
takde ah.
biase2 je.
aku tak teringin....nak pendek sajork
BalasPadamu like it ?
frankly, u have a bad taste ah.
masing2 berhak tentukan apa yg diorang nak & tak nak.
hahahaaa... hair clothing???
BalasPadamsounds interesting!!!
btw this entry is for a contest from nuffnang eh??
good luck zami :)
BalasPadammacam hero korea gtu.
ngeeeeeeee :D
okay worst hair elok jeh, for me. celah mane worst nye ? har har.
BalasPadam@Nisa A.
contest from nuffnang.
wish me luck !
korea ah sgt.
@Salmi Effendi
BalasPadamtu kire worst ah tu.
okay buat lah yang worst hari hari. jimat minyak rambut. :P
BalasPadamur worst hair is, i think the opinion is ur spiky2 hair make u look quite gay....err...this is my is ur hair...
BalasPadam@Salmi Effendi
BalasPadamkan ?
thanks for the advice.
BalasPadamseriously ?
kalau nak tahu gay ke tak,
kena tengok rambut spike ek ?
sempit betul pemikiran mcm tu.
worst2 pon comei ah..
BalasPadambudak baik je. hahahahaha!
@ai na
zami betul2 budak baik ni !
ohh xdehal la ;)
BalasPadamerk, tak nak lah rambut pjg.
BalasPadamrimas. haha~
gmbr last sekali tu gambar muka budak baik.
comel je tengok. huu~
tak delah nampak worst pun.
goodluck zami! cm best crite tu!
BalasPadamby da way, love ur worst hair than any other! hahaahha~
wah cool!!!
BalasPadamgud luck!
woh ! pic yg 'worst hair' tuh plg comel kot ! ekeke :P suka suka ~
BalasPadamBtw memang ada dress yg diperbuat daripada ramt (wig) masa Miss Supermodel beberapa tahun yang lalu di ibukota..
Pssssttt! Knp backgroud blog kiter sama??? Bukan selama nih lain ker??
PojiePooh Abdullah
BalasPadamthat'snot your worst hair la... nice aper??? good luck hope we both can win the tickets :)
huwa, join jgk..gud luck ye..